Grantee Portfolio

Our support enables scientists to take intelligent risks. To defy the predominant expectations in their field. To go after their big ideas.

  • Willow Coyote-Maestas, Ph.D.

    University of California, San Francisco

    Bridging biophysical transporter reductionism to complex environmental-genetic interactions in metabolism

    How do genetic mutations and the environment interact to lead to complex physiology and disease?

    Scout note:

    “Willow’s ambitious project aims to bring deep mutational scanning to the realm of complex environment-genetic interactions. His approach may help establish a new model system for studying drug-genetic interactions. If successful, this project will improve our understanding of diseases of multigenic or polygenic nature, and more broadly, disease-related mutations of unknown significance.”

    — Taekjip Ha, Ph.D.

  • Hesper Rego, Ph.D.

    Yale University

    Unraveling the connection between M. tuberculosis metabolism and antibiotic sensitivity at the single-cell level

    How and why do genetically identical Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells differ metabolically?  

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Rego’s incredibly innovative project aims to uncover the molecular basis of a striking phenomenon: how genetically identical bacterial cells can show differences in antibiotic survival vs. sensitivity. Her project has potential to add a completely new perspective to the molecular basis of bacterial virulence, inform new strategies for clinical treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis, and open doors to a new subfield of microbiology.”

    — Elaine Hsiao, Ph.D.

  • Jeffrey Henderson, M.D., Ph.D.

    Washington University in St. Louis

    Host-modulated redox active metal ion toxicity in microbial killing and virulence

    How do human immune cells kill microbes and how do disease-causing microbes evade them?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Henderson seeks to test a new hypothesis about a mechanism of innate immunity against bacterial infections. His project brings a bioinorganic chemistry perspective to a health puzzle, and if successful, will lead to insights with the potential to enable more effective approaches to sensitizing pathogens to the immune system.”

    — Dianne Newman, Ph.D.

  • profile photo of Christina Hueschen

    Christina Hueschen, Ph.D.

    University of California, San Diego

    Mechanical basis of parasite shape change

    How do parasitic worms morph in form to physically navigate the human body?

    Scout note:

    “By focusing on a neglected tropical disease, Christina is venturing into an unknown terrain where very little is known. Her project is an important anchor to the overall field of ‘physics of parasites’ and sets a foundation for fundamental basic science work on a disease that infects millions of people in the Global South.”

    — Manu Prakash, Ph.D.

  • Betul Kacar headshot

    Betül Kaçar, Ph.D.

    University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Rebuilding Life’s Ancient Innovations

    How did Earth's earliest organisms adapt to changing climate and how did key enzymes that allow them to remove CO2 and nitrogen from the atmosphere evolve over billions of years?

    Scout note:

    “Perhaps no other problem poses as severe a risk to the health of people and the planet as climate change. This project uses an ancient protein reconstruction to address how planetary changes in oxygen and nitrogen conditions shaped two of the most important enzymes in photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. This is innovative, ambitious, and daring science.”

    — Harmit Malik, Ph.D.

  • John Brooks II Headshot

    John F. Brooks II, Ph.D.

    Princeton University

    Impact of rhythmic antimicrobial protein production on the structure and function of the microbiome

    How does the circadian clock influence the structure and function of the gut microbiome?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Brooks’ project is the first step in determining how rhythms in microbial functions may be engendered and might lead to a better understanding of how these rhythms in the microbiome influence overall health and fitness. This project addresses a fundamental but less-explored area that may have far-reaching implications for health.”

    — Coleen Murphy, Ph.D.

  • Elliott SoRelle, Ph.D.

    University of Michigan

    Pathogenic Chromatin Remodeling During Viral Reactivation

    How does reactivation of a latent viral infection rewire host cell identity and its ability to cause disease?

    Scout note:

    “Elliott’s ambitious project leverages state-of-the-art technologies to tackle major knowledge gaps in how viral reactivation promotes disease. If successful, his project will improve our understanding of how virus reactivation reprograms host cell function and responses at the basic science level, impacting how we study tumor formations associated with viral infections.”

    — Wilton Williams, Ph.D.

  • Jennifer Martiny, Ph.D.

    University of California, Irvine

    Eco-evolutionary principles in the human gut microbiome

    What does eco-evolutionary theory teach us about improving ecosystem functioning and productivity in the human gut microbiome? 

    Scout note:

    “Jen is taking a large creative leap to understand whether an important ecological and evolutionary principle that is well-established in soil environments also has relevance in human-associated microbiomes. If successful, her project could drive completely new approaches to microbiome assessment, and ultimately, lead to massive impacts on human health.”

    — Rob Knight, Ph.D.

  • Profile image of Taras Kreslavskiy

    Taras Kreslavskiy, Ph.D.

    University of Chicago

    Could γδT cells be selected on any surface protein expressed in the thymus

    How do γδT cells (a lineage of adaptive immune cells) develop in the thymus to recognize a wide range of unrelated self molecules?

    Scout note:

    “Taras aims to increase our understanding of a poorly understood lineage of adaptive immune cells which are involved in multiple important disease processes. His project is highly innovative and he is exceptional at devising novel yet remarkably straightforward approaches. He’s among those at the forefront of solving the puzzle of gamma-delta cell specificity.”

    — Gabriel Victora, Ph.D.

  • profile photo of Sepideh Dolatshashi, Ph.D.

    Sepideh Dolatshahi, Ph.D.

    University of Virginia

    Uncovering the Role of Maternal Stress as a Driver of Disparities in Newborn Cellular and Humoral Immunity

    How does maternal stress affect immunity at the fetal-maternal interface?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Dolatsahi’s multi-disciplinary approach will provide - for the first time - a glimpse of the biochemical wiring and immune pathways that drive placental and maternal health. This research has potential to catalyze critical discoveries with significant implications for the health of mothers and babies.”

    — Mireille Kamariza Ph.D.

  • Profile photo of Rogier Braakman

    Rogier Braakman, Ph.D.

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Global biogeography and evolution of microbial cross-feeding in the ocean

    How do microbial interactions differ across ocean regions and how does their evolution shape the global carbon cycle and Earth’s climate?

    Scout note:

    “Rogier’s project addresses the important topic of interconnectedness of microbial communities by taking a big picture approach to understanding marine ecosystems. It is a bold, risky undertaking that requires deep understanding of ocean biogeochemistry, metabolism, and evolution -- Rogier’s rare combination of skills. This project has potential to lead to a re-evaluation of the evolution of emergent ecosystem behaviors.”

    — Ginger Armbrust, Ph.D.

  • Florentine Rutaganira, Ph.D.

    Stanford Medicine

    Reconstructing the Emergence of Cancer at the Dawn of Multicellularity

    What does early multicellular life teach us about the origins of cancer?

    Scout note:

    “Flora is using a nontraditional model system to understand the early origins of cancer-associated genes. What sets it apart is thinking about cancer as a process that may have a long evolutionary history. It is a bold conjecture and, if successful, her project could be a breakthrough in understanding cancer and cell proliferation control.”

    — Devaki Bhaya, Ph.D.

  • Profile photo of Jennifer Jay

    Jennifer Jay, Ph.D.

    University of California, Los Angeles

    A multi-scale approach to understanding environmental antimicrobial resistance patterns and hotspots

    Can the integration of satellite data, geospatial information, and low-cost screening tools deepen our understanding of antimicrobial resistance in the environment?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Jay’s project aims to track and predict antimicrobial resistance (AMR) ‘hotspots’ by integrating diverse environmental datasets to generate a powerful, open-source resource. She tackles this global health threat by starting with prevention -- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Her project has the potential to reshape how we evaluate AMR risk, and provide valuable public health benefits.”

    — Dianne Newman, Ph.D.

  • Priya Banerjee, Ph.D.

    University at Buffalo

    Liquid RNA Condensates as Programmable Scaffolds for Compartmentalization and Catalysis

    What are the biophysical rules for RNA condensate formation within cells, and what do they tell us about function?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Banerjee’s project brings unique insights into the origin of life by understanding the biophysical properties and self-organization principles encoded into RNA molecules. His hypothesis is bold and innovative, and has the potential to answer conundrums in how life may have arisen with RNA, while also bringing insight to the development of more effective RNA-based interventions.”

    — Taekjip Ha, Ph.D.

  • profile photo of Elizabeth Sibert

    Elizabeth Sibert, Ph.D.

    Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Reconstructing ancient zooplankton dynamics from fish microfossils in deep-sea sediments

    What can microfossil records of fish teeth tell us about how marine ecosystems adapt to major climate change events?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Sibert is taking a completely novel approach to assessing ecosystem structure in paleo oceans. If successful, her project will provide a comprehensive view of how ancient ecosystems responded to major changes in ocean conditions--an essential first step to better understanding systemic risks to the health of our planet.”

    — Ginger Armbrust, Ph.D.

  • Bianca Jones Marlin, Ph.D.

    Columbia University

    Olfactory Sensory Experiences Impart Susceptibility to Anxiety via Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance

    How can fear memories or traumatic experiences be inherited across generations? What is the neurological / cellular mechanism underlying this phenomenon?

    Scout note:

    “This project is stunningly bold and challenges the way we think about innate fear and memory in general. In addition to rewriting textbooks, and reestablishing our foundational knowledge of neuroscience and genetics, this project can change our understanding of psychology, of our sociocultural backgrounds, of what provides individual variability and has powerful implications on evolution.”

    — Kay Tye, Ph.D.

  • Profile photo of Emma Chory, Ph.D.

    Emma Chory, Ph.D.

    Duke University

    Probing the Principles of Evolutionary Decision-making: Counter-Evolution of Protein Interactions via PRANCE

    Why do protein interactions evolve along certain trajectories and not others?  What underlying principles govern the evolution of protein-target specificity and promiscuity?

    Scout note:

    “This project is highly innovative and early-stage research which focuses on the science of protein evolution. If successful, Emma’s project will provide fundamental insights into the evolutionary process itself, which will have broad implications on a number of important fields.”

    — Harmit Malik, Ph.D.

  • Natalia Korotkova, Ph.D.

    University of Kentucky

    Functional significance of extracytoplasmic intrinsically disordered regions in streptococci

    What are the functions of glycosylated intrinsically disordered regions (regions without defined structure) of membrane proteins in streptococcal bacteria?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Korotkova is seamlessly combining bacterial genetics and physiology with in-depth biochemistry to understand the regulatory mechanisms of intrinsically disordered regions in bacterial proteins - all while keeping an eye on the human pathogenic side of the organisms. Her project could reveal bacterial IDRs as a fruitful and important area of investigation, with especially broad ramifications on the field of microbiology.”

    — Joseph Mougous, Ph.D.

  • Leslie Goo, P.h.D., M.P.H.

    Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

    Unlocking the ‘black box’ of antibody-dependent enhancement of dengue virus infection

    Why do antibody responses go awry and enhance (instead of inhibit) infection by some viruses - such as dengue virus- to contribute to worsening disease, and what is the mechanism behind this perilous effect?

    Scout note:

    “Mechanisms underlying antibody-dependent enhancement remain mysterious beyond a rudimentary understanding. By deploying powerful, clever genome-wide approaches, this project is likely to lead to a complete understanding of this mysterious process, which will have a major positive impact on basic understanding of this phenomenon and public health acceptance of vaccines.”

    — Harmit Malik, Ph.D.

  • Tania Rozario, Ph.D.

    University of Georgia

    Harnessing the power of transgenics to understand how tapeworms regenerate

    Can we understand how tapeworm stem cells regulate growth and regeneration by manipulating their genomes?

    Scout note:

    “Establishing transgenesis in worms is challenging--some may even say risky. Tania’s intricate knowledge of worm development and unique approach will be key to unlocking this problem. Her project has potential to be transformative and open up new opportunities in the field of regeneration.”

    — Ellen Yeh, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Profile photo of Margaret Estapa, Ph.D.

    Meg Estapa, Ph.D.

    University of Maine

    Towards in situ bio-optical observations on ice-shrouded ocean worlds

    How might the optical signatures of ocean microbes be used to detect life beneath the ice-covered seas of Jupiter and Saturn’s moons?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Estapa is pursuing an exciting and innovative project that leverages what we have learned about the optical properties of life in the ocean to interrogate extraterrestrial oceans for signatures of a beating microbial ‘heart’. She is a creative and thoughtful scientist who thinks outside of the box, and her bold project has the potential to create a new discipline at the intersection of optical oceanography and planetary science.”

    — Angelicque White, Ph.D.

  • Courtney Ellison, Ph.D.

    University of Georgia

    Molecular dissection of collective cell behavior

    How do bacterial cell components interact to regulate complex processes (such as collective behavior or antibiotic resistance)?

    Scout note:

    “Courtney’s bold project aims to tease apart the still unknown connections between pilus behavior and efflux pump biology in bacteria. What sets her project apart is her use of sophisticated techniques to address a challenging and basic question in bacterial cell biology. Her project should provide insights into the functional control over behavioral outputs that are important for virulence.”

    — Devaki Bhaya, Ph.D.

  • Lars Dietrich, Ph.D.

    Columbia University

    Understanding how Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses R-bodies to kill phagocytic cells from the inside

    How do certain pathogenic bacteria use protein-based 'javelins' to harm host cells?

    Scout note:

    “Lars’s project hypothesizes that P. aeruginosa uses an incredibly clever mechanism to evade the host immune system--one that, to my knowledge, has not been tested before. The approach is exciting and has a very good shot at succeeding. If the hypothesis is true, it would change the way we think about how to treat recalcitrant infections.”

    — Dianne Newman, Ph.D.

  • Profile photo of scientist, Shumin Tan

    Shumin Tan, Ph.D.

    Tufts University

    Spatio-temporal understanding of Mycobacterium tuberculosis host adaptation: Illuminating the bacterial perspective

    How do individual Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells respond spatiotemporally to changes in the host microenvironment to influence infection outcome?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Tan’s project boldly attempts to apply a new method to gain insight into how Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) survives in the host. Her work may lead to major advances in our understanding of what Mtb metabolic heterogeneity looks like, literally and figuratively, in infections. This project has the right mix of risk and reward, and has the potential to be highly impactful, not only for the Mtb community but for the field of host-microbe interactions more broadly.”

    — Dianne Newman, Ph.D.

  • Brandon Wilder, Ph.D.

    Oregon Health and Science University

    Intracellular antibodies as a paradigm-shifting strategy

    How do certain antibodies target pathogens - such as malaria - that are hiding within cells?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Wilder’s study challenges the dogma that antibodies only function extracellularly to prevent infection by pathogens, such as malaria. The results of his project, if successful, will be paradigm-shifting and have high impact against a pathogen of global significance.”

    — Wilton Williams, Ph.D.

  • Esther Borges Florsheim, Ph.D.

    Arizona State Unversity

    Exploring food toxins as novel mucosal adjuvants

    How does the immune system sense and defend against dietary toxins?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Florsheim’s research hypothesis, if confirmed, would represent a paradigm shift in our understanding of innate immune recognition and food allergies. Understanding how the immune system distinguishes noxious toxins from harmless food, and how these different stimuli drive interactions between the immune and nervous systems will provide fundamental insight into how food allergies may be induced.”

    — Gabriel Victora, Ph.D.

  • Liam Holt, Ph.D.

    NYU Grossman School of Medicine

    Determining how viruses impact the physical properties of the cell interior

    How do viruses manipulate biophysical properties of cells to survive and replicate?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Holt’s project launches a new direction in his lab and could open an entirely new frontier into understanding how viruses manipulate cells. This project fits beautifully within the mission of the Hypothesis Fund and I am excited about the possibilities that remain to be discovered.”

    — Harmit Malik, Ph.D

  • profile photo of Dr. Eyiyemisi Damisah

    Eyiyemisi Damish, M.D.

    Yale University

    Neuronal mechanisms of statistical learning in humans

    What can single neurons teach us about how the human brain recognizes patterns in repeating external stimuli (e.g. words and structure of language)?

    Scout note:

    “Yemi’s project seeks to understand the neurological basis of learning in the human brain directly from recordings of single cells; her rigorous computational approach and rare access to human recordings is thrilling. Her project has profound implications for understanding how neurons compute patterns and will have impact across theoretical and experimental human neuroscience.”

    — Edward Chang, M.D.

  • Paul Rowley, Ph.D.

    University of Idaho

    The Importance of Pore-Forming Toxins for the Virulence of Fungal Pathogens

    Do certain toxins secreted by pathogenic yeasts enable them to evade the human immune system?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Rowley is embarking on an exciting new research direction with his project, which focuses on an important class of toxins discovered in his lab. The possibility that a common mechanism might underlie the virulence of two entirely different kingdoms of pathogens are both terribly exciting and very important to investigate.”

    — Harmit Malik, Ph.D.

  • Profile photo of Annette Rowe, Ph.D.

    Annette Rowe, Ph.D.

    University of Cincinnati

    Identification of a novel mechanisms of extracellular electron uptake coupled to CO2 fixation in Methanosarcina

    How do certain microbes efficiently couple extracellular electron uptake from solid surfaces (electrodes) with CO2 fixation?

    Scout note:

    “Annie’s project has the potential to reveal how bioengineering of methanogens may promote greater efficiency in carbon capture. She is on the forefront of strategically utilizing select microbes for sustainability purposes, and this project will allow her to develop a genetic system in a non-traditional model organism--a critical step towards gaining mechanistic insights.”

    — Dianne Newman, Ph.D.

  • Lydia Contreras, Ph.D.

    University of Texas at Austin

    RNA distress signals of air pollution toxicity that map to observable traits

    How do some cells mitigate the stress of harmful airborne pollutants better than others?

    Scout note:

    “Very few scientists are known to have demonstrated the courage to deeply investigate and take a stand against structural and environmental threats to health. Dr. Contreras’ project is innovative and undeniably important for human health, and I am optimistic about the potential impact of this careful science on social justice and environmental policies.”

    — Karmella Haynes, Ph.D.

  • Timothy O'Sullivan, Ph.D.

    University of California, Los Angeles

    Predicting Primary Immune Deficiencies in Innate Immunity

    Can CRISPR techniques improve our understanding of primary human immune cell function to enable the prediction of new immune deficiencies?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. O’Sullivan’s project takes a fundamentally different approach to doing science—it tackles primary immune deficiencies by embracing their rarity and diversity to uncover new insights. His research has potential to reveal foundational knowledge of immune cell biology, and lead to a transformative method of predicting and correcting primary immune deficiency.”

    — Elaine Hsiao, Ph.D.

  • Michaëlle Mayalu, Ph.D.

    Stanford Univeristy

    A control theoretic framework to model diet induced gut-microbial modulation of cutaneous function

    Can control theory and mathematical modeling identify gut microbiome and skin interactions that contribute to coexisting inflammatory diseases?

    Scout note:

    "Dr. Mayalu is taking a completely different approach to studying host-microbial interactions — one that brings new perspectives from the fields of control theory, computation, and dynamical systems. Her approach is not only bold and novel, but understanding the more fundamental concepts are so necessary in the microbiome field right now."

    — Elaine Hsiao, Ph.D.

  • Arne Rietsch, Ph.D.

    Case Western Reserve University

    Characterization of a bacteriophage that attacks Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

    How do bacteriophage exploit exopolysaccharide to target bacteria that are enmeshed in a biofilm?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Rietsch’s project has the potential to change how we think about treating infections that involve biofilms. I’m very excited about this project because it is a new research direction for Dr. Rietsch, and is a testament to going beyond your comfort zone in order to chase down an interesting lead.”

    — Joseph Mougous, Ph.D.

  • Profile photo of scientist Filipa Rijo-Ferreira

    Filipa Rijo-Ferreira. Ph.D.

    University of California, Berkeley

    Uncovering the Circadian Clock of Malaria Parasites

    How do parasites keep track of time to bring about intermittent fevers during malaria infection?

    Scout note:

    "The biology in Dr. Rijo-Ferreira's project focuses not on the internal clock of the host, but rather the clock of the parasite that causes malaria. This approach of thinking about it from the perspective of the pathogen is what is really exciting. This project has potential to inform new approaches to the treatment or eradication of malaria."

    — Coleen Murphy, Ph.D.

  • profile photo of scientist Kyle Daniels

    Kyle Daniels, Ph.D.

    Stanford Medicine

    Integrated Control of Gene Expression and Cell Signaling to Guide Cell Differentiation

    Can machine learning predict synthetic biology solutions that guide cell differentiation of medically relevant cell types?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Daniels' project uses a combination of approaches to guide cell differentiation. This project is not only exciting from a technical standpoint, but it also has potential to develop synthetic cell types that may have powerful therapeutic capabilities.”

    — Coleen Murphy, Ph.D.

  • profile photo of scientist Steven Banik

    Steven Banik, Ph.D.

    Stanford University

    Enzymatic Manipulation of Endosomal Membranes for Bypassing Biological Barriers

    How can enzymes enable bypass of biological membranes to transport proteins to the cytoplasm?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Banik’s project is the first I have seen that exploits naturally occurring biological mechanisms to transport proteins into cells. I have not seen an idea that is so creative and yet rational - it is based on the fundamental pathways viruses use to reach the cytosol. It’s extremely powerful, extremely risky, and if it works, it’ll be a major breakthrough.”

    — Yamuna Krishnan, Ph.D.

  • Mohamed El-Brolosy headshot

    Mohamed El-Brolosy, Ph.D.

    Harvard Society of Fellows &
    Visiting Scientist, Whitehead Institute

    Identifying a new mode of enhancing gene expression through transcriptional adaptation

    How do innate cellular robustness machineries - including the process of transcriptional adaptation - influence the landscape of genetic disease?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. El-Brolosy’s project explores the fundamental mediators of a key, yet untapped, gene expression adaptation process that may enable therapeutic breakthroughs in genetic disease research. This project has potential to make vast impact; it is catalytic and foundational such that, if successful, it will yield important technologies over time in rare diseases, cancer research, and other genetic diseases.”

    — Mireille Kamariza, Ph.D.

  • Stephanie Langel, Ph.D.

    Case Western Reserve University

    Antibodies in the air: Defining the kinematics of aerosolized antibodies and their impact on SARS-CoV-2 transmission

    How do antibodies behave when aerosolized (a sneeze! a breath!) and how does that affect the transmissibility of a virus such as SARS-CoV-2?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Stephanie Langel will investigate a novel concept of vaccine-induced antibodies limiting aerosolized viral transmission. The results of this project will open an emerging area of study in respiratory virus biology and vaccinology, with potential to impact the way we evaluate effectiveness of vaccines.”

    — Wilton Williams, Ph.D.

  • Seema Mattoo, Ph.D.

    Purdue University

    Understanding Fic-mediated GMPylation as a Post-Translational Modification in Cell Signaling

    What is the biological significance of a previously unrecognized post-translational modification, and how might it influence host-pathogen interactions?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Mattoo proposes a project that is at a pivotal stage; she has the potential to open a new area of research, with implications ranging from our fundamental understanding of cellular physiology to infectious disease in humans.”

    — Joseph Mougous, Ph.D.

  • Keriayn Smith, Ph.D.

    University of North Carolina

    Not Junk: Noncoding RNAs as Determinants of Cell Identity

    What are the functions of the significant portions of the genome that produce “long noncoding RNAs,” and what roles might they play in cellular processes or disease?

    Scout note:

    “This project tests the bold idea that long non-coding RNA have essential functions in spite of their low-expressed levels. Doing the careful work to link function with lncRNAs will spur more characterizations, large collaborations, more data to be curated, and potentially generate entirely new insights from the hundreds of thousands of RNA ‘omics datasets that are in the public space.”

    — Karmella Haynes, Ph.D.

  • Eviatar Yemini headshot

    Eviatar Yemini, Ph.D.

    UMass Chan Medical School

    Evolutionary changes in behavioral circuits: Comparing whole nervous systems across 15 million years of ecological adaptation

    How do nervous systems evolve over millions of years in response to changing climates and ecologies?

    Scout note:

    “Dr. Yemini’s project seeks to understand how neuronal circuits have evolved, how development shapes these circuits, and how these circuits respond to dramatically different ecology and stimuli in the context of living, developing, and adapting organisms. This project is highly innovative and opens a new frontier into the field of evolutionary neurodevelopment.”

    — Harmit Malik, Ph.D.